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Last Goodbye

Wen saying her goodbye's to her late mother. The day she left the monastery was the day she forgot her life's long training. All that is left of her mother's memory is the katana she wore and another for Wen.

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After finally working up the courage to leave what she knows as "home" her safe place; Wen must leave a part of herself behind and while it may be scary to leave it is also a life changing moment she won't ever regret.

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Through endless variations of meditation Wen is finally able to achieve a state in which her brain induces alpha waves. In this state of meditation, Sulong (her katana) deems Wen worthy of knowing about its presence and brings her into its consciousness. 

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Serene Breath

Through endless variations of meditation Wen is finally able to achieve a state in which her brain induces alpha waves. In this state of meditation, Sulong (her katana) deems Wen worthy of knowing about its presence and brings her into its consciousness. 

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